Thursday, February 10, 2011


Music Blogger Leisha from Listen Before You wrote the sweetest feature on us, check it out:

"You know what, fuck it; I’ll just say it. MAKE OUT MUSIC. Nobody Wave are just two dudes, Chris Kokiousis and Greg Kestenbaum, from LA (represent!) that are making good ol’ fashioned lo-fi surf-inspired rock. I think it’s so easy to love this music because I feel like I know these dudes; c’mon, we ALL knew these guys in college, every group of friends had them. The guys that are young, passionate, and willing to play in your garage at your party. Don’t let the christmas lights fool you, I think there’s some real talent here. They’re churning out music with some serious hustle; I got the Trance Vacation EP and I just let it run on the iTunes. Seriously, put this shit on and mack on your girlfriend or boyfriend… pretty rad. Wait, I don’t have a boyfriend… not rad. Alas, I digress.

Their music is dripping with inspiration, you can feel their experiences oozing out of it. They blogged about their Summer tour in August of 2009 up the California Coast, and you feel the 101 all up in their music. The buzz is only going to grow, and its proven through their music. It’s melodic and it’s catchy, it’s upbeat and it’s surfy but there’s also a bit of a psychedelic drone to it that I really like. Kind of if Gauntlet Hair was drunk and then met Black Tambourine. I would hate to write a post about the emotionality of the disillusioned youth of the more tan segment of California, so I won’t. It’s actually pretty refreshing to see a band so dedicated to positively promoting themselves in the most genuine way. Their soundcloud is blowing up and each comment that people are stoked on in the songs have a response from the band. I back it.

I’ve really taken an attachment to “For the North”, but the whole Trance Vacation EP is great. I originally picked up their name because they recently released a new track, “Look Into the Trees (Bedroom Mix)”. Wait, Bedroom Mix? THEY KNOW THEY’RE MAKING MAKEOUT MUSIC. So below is “Look Into the Tress (Bedroom Mix)” and the Trance Vacation EP. Get some!"

1 comment:

Kate said...

Wait wtf I just found you guys! Excuse Me Miss is definitely one of my top 10 for the year! Well, ok I guess you have to move on sometime. Thanks for the tunes!